Sunday, 20 December 2015

The True Meaning of Christmas

Hi everyone!

First of all, I know I normally update on a Saturday but my wifi hasn't been working and isn't getting fixed until Tuesday. What makes it even more annoying is that because my wifi hasn't been working, my laptop has decided that it's not going to connect to any internet I can get. So, for today only, I'm having to write this post on my phone.

So today it's my weekly Saturday update (let's just pretend it's a Saturday. Saturday's are my favourite day of the week).

Anyway, let's get back to the whole point of this post. Today I am going to be exploring the true meaning of Christmas. Because, guess what? It's only 5 days until Christmas and probably my last post until after Christmas.

I do love Christmas. I love the presents and I love that I can eat all day without a care. However, Christmas is probably, in my case, the one day of the year where the whole family get together.

I have to admit, I don't always like this. There's always loads of people in your house and never anywhere for you to sit. There is always very little space around the table so you have to battle for a seat at the end of the table where there is more room. And in general, you can feel yourself occasionally being left out of conversation.

This doesn't always happen to me on Christmas Day. This year there's going to be six of us (me, my brothers, my mum and my Nan and grandad).

On my dads side of the family, we always have a little family get together sometime between Boxing Day and New Year's Eve. This is probably the one day of the year that I hate the most. I sometimes hate it more than school and exams. And I hate those things.

I think the problem with family is that you're never going to get on. There's going to be arguments. You're going to get annoyed with one another. For example last year we had this get together at my
Grans and because there wasn't enough space at the table, me, my brothers and my dad ended up having to eat our lunch in the living room. In my opinion I felt like it was because they'd all rather be together than with us. I think it was because about two years ago they all went out to dinner but never invited us to go.

But back to family at Christmas. They are annoying. Likelihood is that they'll annoy you all year round. But at the end of the day, they're the only people guaranteed to stay with you for the rest of your life. Other people may leave you but family won't.

And you never know when one of them is going to go. So spend time with your family this Christmas  and don't miss out on the opportunity to see them because the unexpected could happen at any moment. I'm speaking from experience. And it wasn't nice. You end up regretting not going to see them when you could.

So as much as you might hate them, make sure to spend plenty of time with your family this Christmas. And if you don't spend enough time with them throughout the year, try and make it your New Years resolution. I know I will be.

Love Beth xx