If we go back to 60 years ago, women were still pretty much seen as a slave to men. In a marriage, the man would go out to work whilst the woman would stay at home all day and would have to make sure that the house was tidy and ensure that everything was ready in time for the mans arrival back home from work. Below is an article from 1955 that was in Housekeeping Monthly and the aim of the article was for women to know exactly what they should be doing in order to keep their husband happy:
I just want to alert you to the last bullet point 'a good wife always knows her place'. What exactly does this mean?
To me this means that women were a property of men and had to do everything that would satisfy men and didn't really have any free choice in what they did. For example, women didn't go out to work. It was seen as socially acceptable for the man to go out and work in order to support his family; whilst the woman had to stay at home and do all of the jobs around the house.
What I don't get is why all of these things were seen as socially acceptable back then. It just makes me so glad that I wasn't a woman in the 1950s because I wouldn't want to be tied down to doing chores for the rest of my life and not really having a life of my own. Because that's what it sounds like it was back then.
But now, in 2017, questions about women's rights have been brought back up again. And the majority of this has been due to one man. You know who I'm talking about: Donald John Trump.
Melanie Trump, I ask you this: how can you be MARRIED to a man who doesn't believe in women's rights? How can you stand by and watch YOUR HUSBAND dismiss women's rights like they don't mean anything?
Ivanka and Tiffany Trump, I ask you this: how can you allow YOUR DAD to talk about women like they're a piece of meat? Why aren't YOU telling him to stop what he's doing?
Supporters of Trump, I ask you this: how can YOU SUPPORT a man who is literally undoing every piece of work Obama had done for 8 years? How can YOU WATCH him destroy the work of many that started over a century ago?
I don't get it. I don't get any of this. I don't want to stand by and watch this whole world fall apart and see it all being done by a pathetic excuse of a human being. I'm nearly 17 years old which means that I, as well as millions of others, are going to have to suffer the repercussions of whatever this man does in the next four years.
He's only been President for A WEEK and never in my life have I seen so much outrage about what ONE PERSON has done in such a short space of time. This is going to be a very long four years of the entire worlds life. I don't even live in America and I'm scared. I'm scared for the future of America. I'm scared for the world. I'm just scared about every possible little thing that could happen in that space of time. I have never before seen four years as being a long time in a lot of cases: but now I do.
What I ask of you now is to let your voice be heard. If you have something to say then say it. We all need to stand up to this man and show him that we're not afraid. Yes, deep down we're all petrified. But as long as we don't let that show, we can rise against him. WE are NOT AFRAID.
Love Beth xx