As some of you may or may not already know, I have depression. And I'm guessing that some of you reading this will also have depression; or might suffer from some short bouts of depression from time to time. If this is the case then you will know that it is important that you are in a happy and healthy environment all the time. If you are not then this can cause you to become pretty unhappy. And I know that some of you may feel like you can't escape the environment where you feel most unhappy. I don't want any of you to feel that way. I don't want any of you to feel like you're trapped. I want you all to feel that if you're in a place that makes you unhappy, that you should be able to get out of that place.
Now, some of you may feel like this is impossible in some cases. Let me assure you that it isn't: even though it may feel like it at the time. You are aloud to get out of that place in order to try and find happiness. For some of you, you may feel really unhappy at home. This doesn't mean that you have to stay trapped in your own home and that you're not aloud to leave. You could go into town with your friends or; if you're like me and live in the countryside with no way of getting into town, you could go and find a field or anywhere that's quiet, and walk around or sit down and listen to music. Just do anything that makes you happy I guess.
It's also important to know that you shouldn't keep your feelings to yourself. You could maybe keep a journal or a diary and write down how you're feeling. You should never keep your feelings bottled up because, eventually, they'll all come spilling out when you least expect it. If you feel comfortable enough you could talk to a friend. If it's work or school related then you could talk to a work colleague or let one of your teachers know how you're feeling. I know that you may feel like your teachers have more important things to worry about; however they aren't just there to teach you. They are there to help you with absolutely anything and everything. Your teacher would rather you go to them and tell you how you're really feeling so that when it comes to your lessons you can concentrate slightly better; rather than not saying anything and not being able to concentrate because you have all of these feelings bottled up inside you.
I want you all to know that no matter what makes you unhappy, it can always be solved to make you happy again. Your feelings are the most important thing and you need to make them priority. Never hide how you're really feeling because the people closest to you will be able to see right through you: so even if you tell them you feel fine, they'll be able to tell that you're not. And they are also the people that you should keep in your life. If you tell someone you're fine when you're really not and they can't tell that you're lying, they are not worth keeping in your life. No matter how much they mean to you at that moment, chances are they won't be staying in your life for much longer anyway.
Remember: happiness is one of the most important things that should be in your life.
Love Beth xx