Wednesday 21 December 2016

Blogmas Day 21: What Does Christmas Day Look Like In Your Household

Everyone knows that at Christmas, everyone tends to get a bit (very) stressed with buying presents (most of those are last minute), making sure we've got all the food we need and in general, just getting everything ready for the actual day itself. Even at the start of Christmas Day things tend to get a bit manic. So today I thought I'd let you all in on what Christmas Day is like in my house.

So, I'll normally wake up in the morning at around 7/8 (even though I say I'll wake up at 5 - literally just so I can watch Christmas films to get myself in the mood) and I'll go downstairs. My mum and brothers are usually already downstairs at this point and are waiting for me so that we can open our presents. Then we'll open pretty much all of our presents in one go and we might have breakfast if we feel like it; although I don't tend to eat it as I want to leave room for Christmas dinner.

Then after breakfast, my mum will continue with the Christmas dinner as she's probably already started it a few hours earlier to make sure it's all done in time. For the past few years I've made the cauliflower cheese, which I've normally prepared and cooked the night before so it only needs to be heated up the next day. But I'll also help my mum by watching my brothers and clearing up the mess from the presents so that the house is tidy and ready for when my Nan and grandad arrive.

My Nan and grandad usually arrive some time after 10 so usually around 11 I guess. They'll bring us their presemts, as well as the presents from some others, and we'll sit and open them. They've normally prepared the food that their bringing at their house so all that needs to be done with that is heating it all up. Again, I'll be keeping an eye on my brothers while my mum, Nan and grandad sort out dinner. It will normally end up with an argument between my mum and nan over what needs to be done when and my grandad will usually try and get involved which always seems to make it worse because he stresses about everything too much. 

Then after they're all over their arguments and have finally got the dinner sorted, we'll all sit down and eat the food (obviously). We also tend to have some Christmas music on in the background. We start with the starters and we often have mini Chinese and Indian starters. I know that's what I'm having this year but I think the rest of them are having different seafoods (I'm not a very big fan of seafood) and then we'll go for the main attraction - the actual Christmas dinner! We have roast potatoes, mashed potatoes, turkey, stuffing, parsnips, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower cheese, carrots, peas, broccoli, gravy, cranberry sauce and probably some other things as well but there's just so much food that I can't remember it all. We will also pull our crackers and then we'll wait a bit once we've eaten to move onto pudding. At this point we tend to have the Christmas pudding which I like to have with cream.

After we've eaten, we tend to just sit around and maybe watch some TV or play some games like charades. Christmas afternoon is kind of boring in my house because everything's pretty much done with and the only thing left to do is the washing up which, let's be honest, nobody really wants to do. If we manage to find some room later on then we might eat some Christmas cake (which, let's face it, there's always room for) but apart from that we don't really do anything, At around 7/8 my nan and grandad leave which leaves us (well mostly my mum and me) to do any other tidying up that absolutely has to be done that night and anything else is left until the next day. 

So there is what Christmas Day looks like in my household. Pretty boring I have to admit but it's not that bad and we do have some fun. But as a child I grew up having these massive family christmases and now it's down to six of us so it's definitely very weird and different but I guess I'll get used to it at some point. But I'm really interested to know what Christmas Day is like in your house. Is it the same as mine or totally different? Please let me know in the comments below.

Love Beth xx

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