Monday 19 October 2015


Okay, so I know it's Monday and I normally post on Saturday's but something has been bought up today and yesterday that I felt that need to tell you all about. And that is feminism.

As a woman (well, teenage girl) I would say that yes, I am indeed a feminist. I'm sure, and in fact know, that there are many other women out there who are also feminists. What I don't get, however, is how a woman cannot be a feminist.

There's this girl in my year who posted on her snapchat story yesterday "feminism shouldn't be legal, fuck women' and the laughing emoji. WHY?!?!?!?!?

I think the problem with people against feminism is that they don't know the differences between feminism and extreme feminism. If you're one of those people who doesn't know the difference, I'm going to tell you now:

A FEMINIST is someone who supports women's rights on the ground of equality of men and women.

An EXTREME FEMINIST is someone who is sexist towards men and wants women to be better than men (so basically doesn't want equality between the two).

I hope those definitions make sense. If not, I'm really sorry. In my defence I am bad at explaining things.

Anyway, my point is that it's okay to be a feminist and I don't get why people are so against it. I don't know if it's because they don't know the difference between feminism and extreme feminism or if they're against feminism in general, but it's not a bad thing.

I know today's post has been really short, but remember I don't normally update on Monday's. My main blog post should be on Saturday so look after that.

If you want to have your say and share your views on feminism, please don't be afraid to leave a comment below. And if you want to ask me anything personally, please feel free to DM me on twitter ~ @teenagelifebeth

Love Beth xx

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