Sunday 23 December 2018

What I Love About Christmas

Christmas. It's an amazing time of year isn't it? Everyone starts getting together, you see people that you might not have seen in months, possibly even years. So today I thought that I'd do a bit of a Christmassy post and give you everything about Christmas that I love.

1. The build-up
You've got to admit that the build-up to Christmas is pretty amazing, isn't it? For me, the build-up starts in September (might be a bit early for some, but for me it's the perfect time) and I become obsessed with Christmas. I just love it when Christmas songs start getting played on the radio and you start seeing Christmas adverts on the TV. I love it when I fancy a cosy Sunday in and a Christmas film is on the telly. Although I get that these things don't normally start until November/December, when I do start the build-up to Christmas I start by listening to my christmas playlist on Spotify and watching past Vlogmas videos on YouTube. My obsession this year got so bad that I've quite possibly watched every single Vlogmas there is to watch, and have listened to every single Christmas song about 100 times.

2. The songs
Everyone knows that a big part of Christmas is the songs. It doesn't matter whether they are classic ones, new ones, or songs for children, Christmas songs can without a doubt put anyone in a good mood. To me, Christmas songs are the pinnacle of Christmas. You'll see them featuring in Christmas adverts, on the radio when you're on your way to school or work, at the office Christmas party, and they will always be played when you're sitting down to eat your Christmas dinner on Christmas day itself. In my eyes, you can't go wrong with a good Christmas song.

3. Christmas adverts
One of the things that tells you that it is 100% the Christmas season is when you start seeing Christmas adverts on the TV - the main one of these being the John Lewis advert. Every year it seems that many retailers are having a competition with one another over who can create the best and the most talked about Christmas advert of the year. Even though I'm not a fan of adverts in general as they just interrupt whichever show I'm watching, I will always have time and like to sit and enjoy watching the Christmas adverts. I just find that they bring a lot of joy to me and they are one of the things that properly signals to me that Christmas is just around the corner.

4. Christmas specials/Christmas TV
Another thing I love about Christmas is the number of Christmas specials that they put on the TV. Whether it's a Christmas episode by a soap opera, a special one-off episode of a TV show that used to be on TV, or a special episode of a TV series that signals the new start of that show, you just can't beat a good Christmas special. I just like to go through the radio times, look through all of the shows that are going to be on over Christmas and highlight/make a note of everything that I want to watch and either schedule them to record or put a reminder on my phone so that I know to go and watch them. I always highlight more shows and movies than I actually have the time to watch and I'm fairly certain that I still have a few things from last Christmas that I am yet to watch, so I should probably start trying to be a bit more realistic with the things I choose to watch and the amount of time I have to watch them.

5. Christmas movies
Obviously as I watch a lot of Christmas TV, I also watch a lot of Christmas movies. Some of my favourites include Love Actually, Elf, and Nativity. I just find that over Christmas you can't beat getting all cosy on the sofa with your family with some popcorn and chocolate (or whichever other movie snacks take your fancy) and watching a good Christmas movie. In my opinion, the first acceptable Christmas film to watch is The Nightmare Before Christmas because it is a mixture of both Halloween and Christmas, but if any of you have another film that you feel is the first acceptable Christmas film to watch then please feel free to comment it down below.

6. Vlogmas
This might be something that not everyone gets involved in at Christmas, but December is probably the one month of the year that I am consistently watching YouTube videos everyday - and this, my friends, is because of Vlogmas. My favourite Vlogmas to watch would have to be Zoella's as she is probably the most Christmassy YouTuber there is and is the Queen of Vlogmas (but please feel free to disagree with me on that one). Having said that, my favourite Christmas Day vlog to watch (as much as I love them all) would have to be Saffron Barker's as I feel that her and her family go all out on Christmas day and I really envy them for it.

7. Blogmas
Being a blogger, one thing I particularly enjoy over Christmas is reading other blogger's Blogmas posts. I did take part in Blogmas in 2016, however won't be this year due to not having enough time, so please feel free to check out my posts on that. Similarly, as we are coming to the end of Blogmas now, if you have any Blogmas posts (or just any general posts) that you would like me to read then please leave your link in the comments below and I'll take the time to check them out.

8. The food
You've got to admit, the food that you eat at Christmas is better than any of the food that you eat during the rest of the year, right? My favourite would definitely have to be pigs in blankets. Even though your Christmas dinner is essentially just a massive roast dinner, it is still much better than your every Sunday roast dinner and you can't deny that. But as well as your Christmas dinner, there is also plenty of chocolates to eat throughout Christmas; as well as Christmas cake and Christmas pudding (or whatever puddings you might have as a part of your Christmas dinner).

9. Family and friends
And finally, the last thing that I love about Christmas is being able to spend time with my family and friends. To me, this is what Christmas is all about. You get to spend time with some of the people who you might not see all at the same time during a really special time of the year. You get to exchange cards and gifts with them, and see their faces full of joy when they see what's inside their presents. Family and friends are both important in their own right, and without them none of us would be the people we are today and Christmas is a time for celebrating that.

Love Beth xx

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