Saturday 15 October 2016

Only Be With Those Who Support You

A little over a week ago, I heard something that definitely shocked me. I know both of the people involved (admittedly I know one a lot better than the other) and I was really shocked that someone who I thought was such a kind and caring person could do this. I know that there are some people out there who are like this, but I never expected this person to be one of those people. He seemed like such a genuine person and I guess that with what was going on, I can kind of understand where he was coming from with this but it definitely isn't okay and I want to raise awareness on this issue so that people in his position know what they can do to help and so that people in her position know that what happened isn't okay and that they shouldn't be around that type of person; no matter how you might feel about them.  I also want to make it clear that I don't know the full extent of this story so one or two of the facts that I put in might not be entirely true. However I wanted to share this story with you so that everyone reading this knows what is and isn't okay with what happened. 

Before I go on, for confidentiality reasons, I don't want to use the names of the two people involved as I don't know who is reading this. I don't really expect either of the two people involved or the people that either know me or them to be reading this post as, as far as I'm aware of, none of the people I know know that I blog. So for confidentiality reasons, I'm going to call the boy Jed and the girl Millie.

A little over two years, Jed and Millie started talking to each other. As far as I know the first time they'd met was at my friends party; which was just before they started talking to each other. I'm not sure how long they'd been talking to each other for when Jed asked Millie out. However Millie, at that point, was self-harming. They ended up breaking up not long after he'd asked her out because Jed 'couldn't cope' with Millie self-harming. This, obviously, made things worse for Millie and she ended up self-harming even more because, I guess, Jed had made her feel like she wasn't worth it. 

I want you all to know that this isn't okay. If there is anyone you know who self-harms, make sure that they know that they are worth it and make sure that you do everything possible to stop them self-harming. One of my really close friends was depressed and used to self-harm and it got to the point where she was trying to end her life; but I'm so thankful that she didn't. You just need to let that person know that you love them and do everything in your power to stop them self-harming. I know that it's a lot easier said than done but you need to make that person know that self-harm isn't the answer. You need to let them know that they are worth it because even if you can't cope with what they're doing to themselves, they're 100% guaranteed to be coping a lot less with it than you are. 

If you do self-harm, I want you to know that what Jed did to Millie isn't okay. He shouldn't have treated her like that. If there is someone in your life who doesn't make you feel like you're worth it, and this applies to everyone, then get that person out of your life and don't let them back in. Okay so you might love that person or you may feel as if that person is too big a part in your life; but trust me, they shouldn't be there. If they tell you that they can't cope with your self-harm, I know it's hard for them but they should be the one to make you see that you are worth it and to try and help you stop. For them to say they can't cope with it and to walk away isn't okay. They should be there for you as much as they possibly can and it shouldn't be up to them to just get up and walk right out of your life; all because they can't cope. 

If you do self-harm and want to talk to someone about it then please don't be afraid to talk to me. If there are any other issues that you want to talk about, or maybe if you want me to talk about them in a future blog post, then please don't be afraid to ask. All of my contact details are in the contacts tab at the top of the page.

I love you and I want you all to know that you are worth it.

Love Beth xx

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