Thursday 21 June 2018

Where I've Been

Hey everyone!

So, it's been a while (over a year, which is quite a long time) and I just thought I'd update you on what's going on with me and my life right now and why I've been away for as long as I have.

Okay, so, last year turned out to be quite a busy one for me as even though my parents have been split up since the end of 2014 (you can read about that in some of my previous blogs) 2017 was the year that their divorce was finally confirmed and that was quite an emotional time for me. As much as I was happy that they were getting divorced (which does sound weird but they argued that much and were that unhappy for such a long time that it was the right thing to do), it was also quite a sad time as when their divorce finally came through I realised that my life was never going to be the same again and that I could no longer be the kid whose parents were still together and still had a relatively stable life. Along with this came a house move which was very stressful for a variety of reasons (which I am possibly planning on writing a post about) but I eventually moved house at the end of last year after months of being messed around.

I was also dealing with A-Levels (which I have just finished (thank God!), which was also quite a busy time for me as I was trying to meet deadlines, revise for my mocks, actual exams and end of year exams for year 12 and all of this along with trying to regularly update my blog on a week-by-week basis all got a bit too much so I decided for the sake of my grades and my future the best thing for me to do was to take time out from blogging and only return when I felt that the time was right, which is now! (btw I will also be writing a blog very soon on my A-Level experience and giving you my top tips for getting through it if you are either already in sixth form or are going/thinking of starting it).

Another problem I had was that by now ex-boyfriend found this blog and tried to look through it until I managed to take my phone off him so he couldn't read any of my posts as they're all quite private and personal to me and are something that I haven't been able to speak to anyone about and I thought that he might get the wrong idea if he read any of them. This is why, if anyone of you noticed, up until last week from around some time last year, this blog was put on private so that only I could see it as I was worried that he might have seen the same of my blog and tried to look at it when he wasn't around me and a lot of the stuff that is on here are things that were down to me to tell him in my own time and not something that he should have found out about through a blog post.

So, what am I doing right now?

Well, I have just finished year 13 and did my final exam a couple of days ago so I now have a very long summer holiday until September, when I am planning on going to uni. I also turned 18 about three months ago so life as an 'adult' is kind of scary as I don't really know what I am actually going (or doing) to do with my life. But I did really want to re-start this blog because I have really missed it and it is something that I want to carry on doing for as long as possible and I want you all (if any) to come on this journey of life with me.

I know this post has been relatively short but I just wanted to get you all up to speed with my life right now and why I've been away, which I hope that you all can understand. I'm hoping to get a post up within the next few days (possibly Saturday) and I guess we will just go from there.

Thank you for reading this and I hope that this is now the start of a new, and possibly improved, blog.

Beth xx

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