Sunday 3 March 2019

100 Facts About Me

So as I only recently started blogging again after over a year off, I thought that it would be a good chance for all of you to try and get to know me again so I thought I would tell you all 100 facts about me:

1. I am 18 years old

2. I am currently studying Early Childhood

3. At A-Levels I studied psychology, history, and health and social care

4. As my career I either want to become a teacher, health play specialist, or a social worker

5. I have anxiety (mostly social anxiety) and depression

6. My parents split up when I was around 14/15 years old

7. My final A-Level grades were BCC

8. I have only ever had one boyfriend

9. I am currently single

10. I have two younger brothers

11. I really hope to have kids one day - my ideal number would be three

12. I prefer having a very small number of true friends to a large group of friends where I only know where I stand with a couple of them

13. I played netball from the age of seven, up until I was 17 where I quit because I didn't get on with the coach and I wanted to focus on my exams

14. I played the cornet from the age of eight/nine, up until I was 13 and I quit because I wasn't enjoying it

15. I did ballet when I was four but quit because they wouldn't let me wear a pink tutu for a performance (what can I say, I was a right diva when I was little)

16. I started this blog on the 28th August 2015 after being inspired by Zoella

17. My favourite time of the year is Christmas

18. My favourite season is summer

19. The one show that I could watch over and over again is F.R.I.E.N.D.S

20. My favourite show on Netflix is Harlan Coben's Safe

21. My favourite song is 1999 by Charlie XCX and Troye Sivan

22. My middle name is Emily

23. My star sign is Pisces

24. If I could travel anywhere in the world it would be to Australia

25. My favourite takeaway is Chinese

26. My favourite subjects at school were history and PE

27. My hair is dyed dark brown

28. My natural hair colour is light brown

29. My favourite YouTubers are Anastasia Kingsnorth (previously known as Floral Princess) and Molly Thompson because they are the most genuine and down-to-earth YouTubers I have watched

30. When I was younger I ran into a door, knocked myself out and ended up in A&E all because I got excited because the Teletubbies were on TV

31. I was dropped on my head by my Gran as a baby when she 'pretended' to drop me when singing 'rock-a-bye baby' to me

32. I sometimes think that I was meant to be a 90s baby and sometimes wish I had grown up in that decade (however being a 00s baby is just as good)

33. If I could go back to any period in history it would be the Victorian era as I want to experience what life was life for a child growing up during that time

34. My celebrity crush is Zac Efron

35. My favourite movie is Legally Blonde

36. My favourite musical is Hairspray

37. I really want to get a tattoo either on my wrist or on the back of my neck that is an infinity circle with some angel wings and the word 'always' going through it (something similar to this:)

38. My go-to drink is a double vodka and lemonade

39. I trialled for county netball twice a few years ago, however didn't get in either time

40. My two most hated subjects in school were maths and science

41. I had a cancer scare when I was about seven or eight which resulted in me having to have an operation to have a mole removed, which very nearly wasn't possible

42. My favourite movie genre is rom-com

43. My favourite TV genre is either period drama or reality

44. I prefer a night in to a night-out

45. The thing I hate most about anyone is if they lie to me

46. My dream wedding is on a beach abroad with the guests being one or two really close friends

47. I was a swimmer from the age of four up until I was 12, and in that time took part in one gala where I came third (last) in all of my races

48. My dream car is an audi

49. I am a cat person

50. I would ideally like to have moved out of my family home a year or two after I graduate (however, in reality, I'm probably still going to be living here in thirty years time)

51. Three sports I wish I had taken up when I was younger are gymnastics, cricket, and football

52. I was born and raised in the West Midlands (where I still reside)

53. I was Christened when I was six months old, however don't class myself as a religious person

54. I am the oldest child out of me and my brothers

55. I have never broken a single bone in my body

56. I overthink every single situation possible that either has or hasn't happened to me

57. I am extremely self-conscious

58. I am currently re-learning how to speak Spanish (I use the app 'Duolingo' which I definitely recommend - also NOT an ad)

59. I prefer music from the late 90s and early 00s to music that is out now (although I still love most of the music that is around now, just not as much as late 90s/early 00s music)

60. The subjects I studied for my GCSEs (other than the core subjects) were history, Spanish, art, ancient history, and PE

61. The grades I got at GCSE were four B's and six C's

62. I have size four feet

63. One talent I would love to be able to have would be to dance

64. I passed my driving test in September last year (2018) and only got six minors

65. I am currently driving a Suzuki Alto

66. My favourite Disney Princess movie would be either The Little Mermaid or Beauty and the Beast

67. I would really love to do a skydive or bungee jump (or both) for charity one day

68. Pretty much every single time I have watched The Royle Family episode 'The Queen of Sheba' I have cried

69. This one is a bit controversial, however I have never watched a single movie from the Harry Potter franchise or read any of the books

70. I hate red wine, can tolerate white wine, and love rose wine

71. I once did a parade in front of the Queen as a part of her Diamond Jubilee when I was twelve as a part of Girl Guides UK

72. If I could change one thing about myself it would be for me to have more confidence and to actually go up to people and talk to them instead of sitting quietly in the background

73. One of my biggest regrets in life is not going to see my Grandad the day before he passed away

74. As far as I'm aware I'm not allergic to anything

75. I believe that everyone deserves a second chance

76. I am the worst person at keeping in touch with people and tend to wait for them to make contact and plans with me instead of me reaching out to them... something which I aim to try and change this year

77. My go-to cooking dish is pasta, pesto, sausages or prawns, and peas

78. I have never been out-out for New Year

79. I have found people more annoying than I already did since I have been able to drive

80. I have never taken part in a marathon however I would like to one day (which will require me to get out of bed and actually do training which is a lot more difficult than it sounds for me)

81. If someone gave me the ability to see what my life will be like in the future I would not take that opportunity

82. The worst year of my life (so far) was the end of 2014 and throughout 2015

83. The best year of my life (so far) was 2016

84. I have never been on a date and am absolutely petrified of ever going on one

85. I used to prefer sweet over savoury, however now I'm older I've found that I'm starting to prefer savoury over sweet

86. I am happier doing my own thing than being in a group of people

87. I have a big phobia of spiders

88. My favourite colour is purple

89. I have never understood the point in Halloween and don't go out or do anything for it

90. I go through periods where I either spend hardly anything or my entire bank account - there is no in-between

91. I have to have had quite a few drinks (alcoholic of course) in order for me to dance

92. I would rather watch the film than read the book

93. I have never had a job in my life due to me living in the middle of nowhere for most of my life and would have to rely on other people to get me anywhere which wasn't fair on them and when I did move into a town I was getting ready to take my A-Level exams and needed to prioritise them

94. I always thought that I liked snow until I realised that was just because it could possibly get me a day or more off school, now I don't have that it's not as fun

95. I have only ever been to Nandos twice in my life and the first time was for my 17th birthday

96. My hair is naturally relatively straight

97. Even though I have gotten myself into some absolutely states on nights out, I have never had a hangover

98. My go-to food for after a night out is 20 chicken nuggets from Mcdonalds (and I will eat any leftover ones cold the next day)

99. I have met the person who organised the 2012 London Olympics and was awarded a medal by him (Sebastian Coe)

100. My favourite clothes shops are Primark, New Look, and BooHoo

So there are 100 facts about me. To be honest I am really surprised that I managed to find so many as I am quite a boring person (as you can probably tell by pretty much all of the facts that I have come up with - if you have made it this far). 

Thank you so so much for reading and if there is possibly any other questions that you have about me or if you have any questions about any of the facts about myself that I have put on here, then please feel free to ask them in the comments below.

Love Beth xx

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