Thursday 1 December 2016

Blogmas Day 1: 10 Things To Do At Christmas

So here it is, my first ever blogmas post! I thought that I'd kick this off by giving you a run down of 10 things that you should do this Christmas. Obviously you don't have to do all of the things that are in this list; however I'm pretty sure that most (if not all) of you do these things anyway.

1. Christmas shopping 
This could be for presents, food or anything at all that's to do with Christmas. I always find, however, that whenever I'm doing my Christmas shopping for presents, I always end up seeing all the things that I like which I then buy (as well as presents for other people - I'm not that selfish!) but then I always end up wanting to keep some of the stuff for myself because I love it so much. I have done that before but I am trying to stop and this year it seems to have worked (kind of). 

2. Buy a Christmas tree
Obviously you can't have Christmas without a tree. Obviously there are some people who prefer fake trees and some who prefer real trees. I have to say if I absolutely had to choose I'd go for real because it smells of Christmas - even though the needles on it come off almost straight away and go everywhere. But in my house we always get a real tree and we also have a fake tree. But the presents are always put under the real tree. Comment down below if you're a real or fake tree person.

3. Decorating the tree
Obviously you can't just buy a tree at Christmas and do nothing with it. Decorating the tree is one of my favourite things about Christmas. Every year me and my brother were supposed to take turns in putting the angel (or star - we have both for some reason) on top of the tree but I would always pretend that my brother did it the year before just so that I get to do it. But now that we have another brother (who's 4) we tend to let him do it.

4. Spend time with family and friends
For some unknown reason, Christmas is a time where you spend the majority of your time with family and friends. And also, for some unknown reason, Christmas seems to be the only time when we spend time with the whole of the family - because apparently we can't all meet up at any other time of year, it has to be at Christmas. But friends and family are what makes Christmas, Christmas.

5. Eat chocolate
We also, for some unknown reason, always seem to eat more chocolate at Christmas. I'm not sure if that's because we have advent calendars or because chocolate always seem to be the main present to buy someone when you don't know what to get them. But chocolate is a big part of Christmas. Don't judge me but I have it for breakfast on Christmas Day.

6. Wrap presents
I don't know about anyone else but when I start wrapping my Christmas presents for other people it genuinely feels like Christmas is finally here. I'll admit that I am in no way, shape or form the best at wrapping presents; but I love doing it. I think it's just the fact that I know that it's something that person will genuinely love and that once they've unwrapped it, they'll be really happy with what they've got (hopefully). 

7. Decorate the house
Another good part about Christmas is being able to get to decorate my house in the most festive way possible. This involves lots of lights and anything that is related to Christmas - no matter how big or small. It's another thing I also like to do with my family and really gets me in the mood for Christmas.

8. Listen to Christmas songs
Now, believe it or not, Christmas songs are a big part of Christmas (big shocker - I know). Don't judge me but I do tend to start listening to Christmas songs from around September/October. I know that some (well, probably all of you) are really judging me right now and believe that we should only start listening to Christmas songs from December, but I just like to slowly start getting myself in the mood for Christmas so that it doesn't all come at a sudden rush to me.

9. See a pantomime
For the past 5/6 years, it's become a tradition with me, my brothers, my mum, my mums friends and their kid (it used to involve my dad as well until my mum and dad got a divorce) to go and see a panto and then go for a Chinese buffet after. I think that a good pamto makes Christmas, even though we always go on New Year's Eve, because it signals the end of the year and makes me accept that Christmas is over (even though I don't want it to be) and that I have a whole new year ahead of me.

10. Make the Christmas cake
I love to help make the Christmas cake each Christmas (even though it takes forever and I have to wait ages to eat it when all I want to do is eat it right there and then). But I feel as though the Christmas cake is one of the highlights of Christmas Day and you can always find room for it; even though you're full of Christmas cake. But you always get those people who either only like the cake part, the marzipan part or the icing part. You rarely find someone who likes the whole cake. Personally I prefer to eat the whole cake. Comment down below which one you are.

If I've missed something off this list that you do at Christmas, comment it down below as I want to know what you all like to get up to at this time of year.

Love Beth xx

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